Our Mission
  • To Succeed. Our success is based on your success.
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    Our Goal
    • To be successful in our industry, we maintain broad based expertise in the latest technologies, mastery of design and IA, understanding of developing technologies, and the ability to define where our clients are on their journey and knowledge of the tools required for their evolution. [vc_separator type='transparent' color='' thickness='' up='20' down='7'] We push our clients ahead of their competition, and impart them with the ability to position their skills competitively.
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Digital Solutions | Joan Steuer: Solid Chocolate


Joan Steuer: Solid Chocolate

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When it came time to rebrand her professional identity, Joan Steuer, (President of Chocolate Marketing), one of the world’s foremost Chocolate Market authorities, looked to Solar Jet Pro. ChocolateMarketing.com is both community builder and professional portfolio.

From blog posts, multimedia library, to monthly polls and press archives, Joan worked directly with the SJP Team to turn sketches of ideas into a fully realized website that communicates her personality, her ideals, allowing her continued room to develop and expand.