Our Mission
  • To Succeed. Our success is based on your success.
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    Our Goal
    • To be successful in our industry, we maintain broad based expertise in the latest technologies, mastery of design and IA, understanding of developing technologies, and the ability to define where our clients are on their journey and knowledge of the tools required for their evolution. [vc_separator type='transparent' color='' thickness='' up='20' down='7'] We push our clients ahead of their competition, and impart them with the ability to position their skills competitively.
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Digital Solutions | WPB Blog

WPB Blog

  |   eCommerce, Web

Whipped Pastry Boutique’s gluten free delicacies have gotten another digital upgrade. Founder and master baker Michelle Tampakis has  understood the importance of engaging in social media and been wanting to engage more in getting her content out there, but with getting her growing retail business off the ground, just didn’t have the time to focus.

Fortunately, this past June, se did have the time to develop the blog, which is now a central part of her eCommerce site. Complete with all the standard blog components and a dedicated recipe portal, this handsome interface now rests as a foundation for the businesses’ future growth reaching out within the gluten free community offering knowledge, ideas and of course delicious gluten free baked goods!